We have all done so well to keep COVID-19 at bay, especially compared to the situation playing out in other countries. Well done everyone, and thank you for your efforts.
As you know, the Therapeutic Centre has been providing distance consultations by phone and video conferencing, and shipping supplements to clients in need. Now we need to prepare for Alert Level 2, beginning this Thursday, where we are able to begin providing in-clinic services again. However we will all need to respect the following conditions, intended to keep us all safe:
- Firstly and most importantly, if you are ill, or become ill before you arrive at the clinic, DO NOT COME IN. Instead, please call reception (0800 366 345 or (04) 473 7907) and let us know.
- We will stagger appointments where possible to minimise the chance of more than one client and one staff member being in close proximity at any given time. Please arrive as close to the time of your appointment as possible, and respect its scheduled duration, to assist us in this.
- Please respect all notices posted around the clinic regarding safe behaviour, along with any markings on the floor.
- Please bring only essential items with you.
- No visitors please. We will be sanitising all surfaces before and after your visit, and the more people who enter, the harder it will be to maintain a safe level of sterility.
- If you have and are able/willing to wear PPE during your visit, please do so. If you are not sure how to do so safely we are able to advise.
If there are other points of safety to note we will brief you upon arrival.

Alert Level 2 — Thursday May 14

We will be spraying and cleaning much more than we used to. All surfaces that get touched will be disinfected as soon as possible afterwards. We are completely comitted to operating the Therapeutic Centre in a responsible and safe manor.
We are now taking appointments for all normal consultations and services. However, as mentioned above, we need to space them out to minimise contact between multiple clients and staff. So availability is not what it used to be. Contact us as soon as possible to get an appointment that suits your needs.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email us.
Therapeutic Centre Team

0800 366 345
(04) 473 7907
Your Wellness is Our Goal